Club Policies
Wildwood Racquet + Wellness Club Usage Guidelines and Policies
Court reservations must be cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled reservation time, or the member will be charged a cancellation fee (equal to the total cost of the court fee). Contact the front desk via phone to cancel or through your Wildwood App (where applicable).
You must cancel your private lesson at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged. The pro may provide you with one “freebie” but after that, the clubs policy is to charge. Contact your pro directly and/or the front desk. Thank you for your understanding of the 24 hour cancellation policy.
The following circumstances will allow for day of cancellations with no charge:
- If there is a 2 hour school delay, or school closing
- If you cancel the night before in being proactive for impending weather conditions
- There must be some sort of weather advisory the night before in order to cancel for the following morning. Wildwood cannot staff or reschedule with that short of notice. Thank you for considering this situation.
Remaining day of cancellations and/or no shows will result in a full charge including:
- Your child is sick
- You are sick
- Failure to communicate a cancellation/no show to a club service 24 hours in advance
We understand you may not know when an illness will happen (if you have an idea, please contact the day before as a proactive measure).We do hope everyone gets better soon. However, as a club, we cannot successfully operate, if we react to every individual’s circumstance. We thank you for your understanding on this.
Clean, non-marking court shoes for all indoor courts are required
No chewing gum allowed on any of the courts- you will be asked to throw your gum away.
Only water allowed on the courts (there may be circumstances for WRWC events that will allow food/drinks on the courts. Other than these events, water only please).
Please check for your belongings and pick up all trash when leaving the courts. Items left on the court will be placed in our lost & found. Please check with the front desk for lost items. 1x/month all lost and found items will be donated/given away. Please contact club manager Emily Davis with questions: [email protected]
Please pick up all tennis and Pickleball balls when leaving the court (return to carts or ball machines). Do not throw tennis balls in the trash as we recycle tennis balls in which you can find ball recycling bins throughout the facility.
Please leave the court as you have found it. If a consistent disregard to cleanliness is noticed, you may be subject to a clean up fee.
Please leave your court promptly after your program/court time is complete. Just as you are excited to step on the courts and play, the group after you is in the same boat.
Please wait for your scheduled time to go on any courts. If you choose to use any “open” courts before your scheduled time, you will be subject to a charge starting at 15 minutes. For example: if you go on your permanent court time court 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time, whoever is on the court will be charged 15 minutes of court time.
Pickleball courts are only used for Pickleball and Pickleball related activities. Even if the courts are unused, please refrain from using the courts for anything fitness or tennis related including mini tennis or physical warm ups.
Flagrant unsportsmanlike or disruptive behavior may result in you being asked to leave the courts. No refund or credit will be applied regardless of time spent on court.
Any noticed damage done to the courts will result in your full responsibility of reimbursement for damaged goods.
Junior Walk-on:
Junior walk-on play is available to any member, currently enrolled in a club sponsored program, Aces through Academy.
Reservations will be limited to one hour or less depending on court availability. If courts are available after the one hour mark a junior walk-on may be extended after checking in at the front desk.
- All players must check in at the front desk.
- Players must let the front desk know they are using walk on court access.
- If you do not check in with the front desk the court will be put on the court sheet as reserved and charged accordingly.
- Any adult, or junior not currently enrolled in a program, participating with a junior during walk-on play will be charged their portion of the court fee and any applicable guest fees or guest passes will be assessed.
- Ball machine use is available for walk-on play. Ball machine charges will be incurred at $10.00 an hour.
- Reminder: Any person with a racquet in their hand or feeding is considered a player and will be charged accordingly.
- *NEW* Family membership benefit: A parent can use walk on court time with their child if the child meets the requirements for walk on court time privileges.
College Player Walk-on:
- Must be on a collegiate tennis team
- Have been enrolled in a Wildwood Junior program in the last 4 years
- Any reservation or club usage fee applies
- Must follow all other junior walk on policies
Club members receive priority registration in all club programs. If a member and non member are on the waitlist, a member will receive priority in admittance to the class even if the non member is higher on the waitlist. All members will auto roll over into the next sessions class. If you do not wish to auto rollover, you must communicate this to the front desk or the appropriate director.
Club programs are a full session commitment (unless otherwise noted as a drop-in). Once a session has begun, there are no refunds, credits or changes permitted for clinic programming unless approved by a director when clinic level change is approved.
(Medical/injury reasons with a doctor’s note would be the only exception) A minimum of 30 days of ineligible play would be needed in order to be removed and credited from a clinic. We are unable to guarantee clinic changes once a session has started. Players must attend classes on the day and time they are registered for. This is in order to provide the highest quality instruction for all of our members with suitable student to teacher ratios and assigned courts. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Enrollment in a clinic requires payment at the time of registration to reserve your spot.
Clinic fees will be prorated at the time you register if it is mid-session.
Clinic fees will not be prorated in advance.
If you withdraw from a clinic before a session begins we will credit your WRWC account – unless you specifically request a refund to the original form of payment.
In order to maintain an appropriate player to coach ratio, we are unable to offer make classes. WRWC works hard to maintain consistent clinic numbers and to schedule the correct number of our certified, experienced teaching professionals and court space into those clinics. Fluctuating numbers limit our ability to provide the best learning environment and customer service experience possible, therefore we cannot accommodate make up classes. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
*Adult classes that allow drop in players are noted as such in the session clinic schedule. You must provide 24 hour notice of a drop-in (as well as a 24 hour notice of cancellation to avoid charges.)
If you are on a clinic waitlist and a spot opens up in that clinic, you will be notified via email and/or phone from the director of tennis, Director of Pickleball or the clubs front desk.
If your plans change and you no longer want the waitlist spot, please notify us
As stated above in program registrations: Members receive priority registration. If a member and non member are on the waitlist, a member will receive priority admittance into the class even if the non member is higher on the waitlist.
Members will also receive priority in openings for private lessons (even if a non-member may be higher on the private lesson waitlist).
Memberships are automatically renewed yearly on the anniversary date of your membership. Your membership will renew under the same membership category and pricing structure as your current membership. You may OPT OUT of auto renewal, or change your pricing structure by contacting Kathy Crawford with member accounts [email protected]
All memberships will renew at the newly set dues rate under the current rate for that year. (You will have written notice of any dues increases of at least 30 days prior to the announcement of any increases). Dues will not change until your current membership expires or is set to renew.
All members must sign a member agreement which includes the facility liability waiver.
All memberships (aside from our monthly PickleUnlimited) are a 12 month commitment
At this time, tennis memberships include the PickleWildCard membership. Any Pickleball membership does NOT include a tennis membership. Any tennis member can upgrade to PickleUnlimited for an additional $50/month/person.
Membership upgrades are allowed, however no downgrades will be permitted accept under the following circumstances:
- A PickleUnlimited monthly member wishes to go back to PickleWildCard. Please understand that in doing this, you will be reinstated for the remainder of your 12 month commitment to the WildCard membership.
- A member on the account becomes physically disabled and is not able to use the membership. This would require a doctor’s note and the membership may be downgraded where applicable.
- i.e. two people have a couples membership and one spouse is physically disabled and not able to play tennis or Pickleball for the duration of the membership timeframe. The couple membership may downgrade to the individual membership in this case.
Membership upgrades will be treated as a new 12 month membership commitment
See your membership agreement for reasons a membership may be cancelled.
Temporary injury or medical issues will be examined on a case by case basis and may result in a “freeze” in the membership until the member is able to enjoy the club experience. For example, a member may get rotator cuff reconstructive surgery and is not able to play tennis for 3 months. We can “freeze” this membership for 3 months upon notice and then “unfreeze.” This member would have their original membership agreement extended 3 months.
A minimum of 30 days of ineligible play is needed in order to “freeze” a membership. A “freeze” of no more than 6 months will be permitted in any membership cycle. If additional time or needs arise for more than 6 months of a “frozen” membership, it must be for a different reason or change in the current state of the injury/medical circumstance.
ALL CHILDREN 12 & UNDER must be supervised by an adult while in the club when not on the court or in a clinic.
For the safety of our youth players and young siblings, an adult must accompany them in the building before and after clinics. Children cannot be running and playing unsupervised in the lobby, pro shop, viewing platform areas, parking lot, Courtside, fitness center, locker rooms, on the stairs or in the hallways between courts.
All WRWC members are expected to be courteous and respectful of other members, guests, staff and all club amenities
- You must be a club member in order to reserve court times
- All club offerings have a member and non member rate
- You may be a guest of the club 4 times in a calendar year before a membership is required or incur a $25/day guest fee. (This is for playing on a reserved court time with a member)
- Guest passes will auto renew on the top of each calendar year
- Guests are required to check in at the front desk at time of service
- Only a member can reserve the court time and must be present when the guest is playing at the club
- All payments for club services must be made in full at time of service
- Guests are responsible for the cost associated with the service or activity they participate in
- A hosting member may pay for their guest if they choose to do so
- If a no payment has been processed for a guests service, the hosting member will be responsible and the appropriate amount will be charged on the members account
All guests of WRWC are expected to be courteous and respectful of other members, guests, staff and all club amenities. WRWC members are responsible for any issues that may arise with their guest(s).
No outside alcohol permitted on the premises
WRWC is a smoke free environment: No smoking inside the facility (or within 8 feet of any entrance). This includes any method- cigarettes, e-cigs, vape, marijuana etc. Those who do not abide by this may be asked to leave the facility
Dangerous or destructive conduct is not permitted. Any damaged property will be on the responsible party
No usage of the property or trespassing after normal business hours without permission from management.
Respect and courteous behavior are expected to all members, guests and WRWC staff.
No Pets allowed. Only certified service animals (proof of certification may be requested).
No removal of personal trash/recycling in the WRWC dumpsters
Only approved solicitation on the Wildwood property will be allowed. Any solicitation act for a direct competitor, product or services of Wildwood will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal.
Any WRWC staff member may request removal from the premises if facility policies are broken, or safety becomes a concern
All persons using any of WRWC’s facilities, including property, do so at their own risk. WRWC assumes no responsibility for any accident or injury in connection with such use, or for the loss or damage to personal property.
No outside food and/or drinks allowed
No outside alcohol
No children under 21 may sit or be served at the bar rail
For questions or inquires regarding Courtside please contact Bar + Kitchen Manager Amy Tonne: [email protected]
Only WRWC members are allowed to use the fitness center during club operating hours except for the following:
- Non members are allowed to use the fitness center if attending a group class or with a trainer
- All non members must have a liability waiver on file in order to use the fitness center
Fitness center hours are the same as the club operating hours
No food or open top drinks allowed in the fitness center
Shoes and appropriate clothing must be warn at all times
No gum allowed
No children under the age of 16 allowed in the fitness center without adult supervision unless with a staff professional or personal trainer.
Wildwood will operate normally, including
a. Allen County is placed under a RED travel advisory, as state leaders have determined that travel is restricted to emergency management workers only. In this case, Wildwood will close.
Should Wildwood need to close for whatever reason (loss of power, travel advisory, flooding, snow or other inclement weather, or any other act of God, etc.) the following policies will be implemented:
- Advanced court reservations, private lessons, and permanent courts will be notified by email, phone and updates will be provided on social media and will not be charged for that day’s court reservation if unused.
- Cancelled programs will be issued a credit for that day’s play.
- If the facility remains operational (i.e. had power, etc) players already on court will be permitted to complete programs and rentals in progress before the facility closes. Should players choose to leave early, no credits will be issued.
- If the facility will close immediately, all players currently on court will cease play immediately and credits will be issued based on the following:
If more than 50% of the scheduled time has been completed, a partial credit will be issued.
If less than 50% of the scheduled time has been completed, a full refund will be issued.
Wildwood members are still required to cancel court reservations per court cancellation policies (24 hours in advance). As winter weather is typically predicted in advance, we recommend players plan early should you be concerned by the weather forecast. Day of cancellations or decisions to not show will result in a normal charge (if the club is operating normally- No RED advisory).
When Allen County issues a YELLOW advisory warning, all club operations will proceed as normal. WRWC will use their discretion in any changes of operations/schedule and you will be notified if that is the case.
Just because schools are closed and/or extracurriculars are cancelled does not mean WRWC is closed or has modified schedules. Please check local travel advisories to stay up to date on current conditions.
We understand the trains around the club are inconvenient and sometimes may disrupt your arrival time to the club. Due to this being out of the clubs control, no credits, refunds, extended time or reschedules will be given in the situation where you are stuck behind the train(s). (Unless your complete service at WRWC can’t be offered- i.e. your pro can’t make a lesson due to being stuck behind a train). Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter. If we could move the train, we would.
By entering Wildwood Racquet + Wellness Club (WRWC), you voluntarily consent to being photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded for WRWC’s promotional and educational use. You waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, broadcast, or other display of these materials.
Thank you for thinking of Wildwood for your sponsorship or donation. At this point in time, Wildwood does not participate in any charitable contributions or product and service donations. Thank you for understanding.
Club Phone: 260.432.0502
Club Address: 508 N. Hadley Road. Fort Wayne, IN. 46804